GE Old Pals Lunch Club

Retired former colleagues of GE Medical Systems

Memory Lane

Gallery 1. Is a collection of photographs  "wrapped" in an album style book. The gallery will open in a new window and start to play. You can use the onscreen controls to pause or go back or forth through the album. When you have finished reviewing the photos just close the window

Open Gallery One

New! Members you can upload your own photos

Members of the GE Old Pals Lunch Club can now upload their own photographs to a members' album. This should speed up the process but will not replace our existing gallery that currently has a backlog of photos to publish.

You do need to be a member and to request photo upload permission to be able to upload photographs. Use the contact form to send a request and if you are a registered club member and on our mailing list you will receive an email back with your user name and password to enable you to upload photos. Simple!


Photo Gallery

We try and publish all photos provided by members. If you appear in one of  them please accept the 'image' with good grace!

Members' Gallery
